Social Emotional Learning

Social and emotional learning (SEL) enhances students’ capacity to integrate skills, attitudes, and behaviors to deal effectively and ethically with daily tasks and challenges. Improving Schools uses CASEL’s integrated SEL framework to promote intrapersonal, interpersonal, and cognitive competence. The five core competencies focused on are:

    • Self-Awareness
    • Self-Management
    • Social Awareness
    • Relationship Skills
    •  Responsible Decision-Making Improving School’s Coaches work with school and district leaders and teachers to assure that development of these competencies are integrated into daily learning experiences.

Improving Schools offers teacher and leader coaching as well as alignment services related to CASEL core competencies. Exact programs are tailored to meet the needs of individual schools, networks, or districts, but services include:

  • Assessment of current state of SEL
  • Alignment of SEL competencies with school, network, district core values
  • Leading teacher/leader development work around SEL including:
    • 1/2 and Full Day Workshops
    • Mutli-Day Retreats
    • On-site embedded coaching